Submitting a winning blog

We understand that you may not have written a blog before. Here are some suggestions to help you on your way to writing a really high impact piece:

  • A comprehensive structure: Like with essays, it is useful to plan your blog post and ensure it has a clear introduction, key point(s) and a conclusion. Alternatively, some people find it helpful to write down everything that comes to mind first and then go back to it later to edit.
  • Short and sweet: Our recommended word count is 600-800 words, people prefer to read content they can digest in a few minutes. If your blog is longer than this, a member of the editorial team will work with you to help condense the blog, or split it into two posts. 
  • A simple message, communicated clearly: What is the key message? Your blog will be easier to digest if you stick to a single message. If you have got lots of messages, you are more than welcome to write several blogs for us!
  • Is your blog scannable? Most people read online by scanning the page for individual words or phrases, headings or other visual cues. Techniques including short paragraphs, lists, formatting (bold, italics etc.) and subheadings can all help to make your blog scannable.
  • Remember to give your blog a title! 

Think about how this blog will affect you
If you are writing about your own experience(s) of a mental health difficulty – well done! This is a brave and inspirational thing to do. Please take your time and think carefully about whether you are ready and want the public to read your thoughts. If you are unsure on sharing your story please see Seb's blog for guidance.